Friday, December 23, 2016

It’s the end of the year and time for celebrations! Christmas is a festival that calls for much fanfare across India. It’s not just Christians, but people from all walks of life put up trees, decorate their homes and celebrate this day.

Christmas fare in India is more or less the same as it is in most other parts of the world. Roast meat - ham, chicken, duck, beef, and in recent times, even turkey – is the centerpiece of the Christmas table.  Plum cakes or Dundee cakes also make an appearance. Rum soaked fruitcakes are the highlight of Christmas and noted bakeries or hotels often host a fruit-soaking event a month ahead of Christmas. Conventional Christmas drinks such as eggnog and mulled wine are also gaining popularity.

Along with the traditional food, local dishes and desserts are also incorporated during Christmas feasts. Sweet coconut filled dumplings, cashew candies, rice puddings, rose cookies and several regional delicacies are churned out this time of the year. Indeed, preparing for Christmas is more of a social event than just making a family meal.  Household specialties are made and distributed among neighbors, family and friends. The preparations, which often start a week in advance, lead to long gossip sessions and a memorable chance to catch up with each other.

In a country which is a huge melting pot of diversity, Christmas has achieved the impossible. It brings people of every caste, creed and religion together, even if it is for just one day in the year!


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